LIA - Leadership Institute of Africa
LIA stands for Leadership Institute of Africa
Here you will find, what does LIA stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Leadership Institute of Africa? Leadership Institute of Africa can be abbreviated as LIA What does LIA stand for? LIA stands for Leadership Institute of Africa. What does Leadership Institute of Africa mean?Leadership Institute of Africa is an expansion of LIA
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Alternative definitions of LIA
- Libraries In Association
- Little Ice Age
- Long Island Association
- Living In America
- Logistics Integration Agency
- Light Industrial Area
- Lead Industries Association, Inc.
- Laboratory Information Access
View 68 other definitions of LIA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- LMT Lean on Me Trust
- LE Learn to Earn
- LS Lebone la Sechaba
- LCH Lerato Children's Home
- LJF Leratong Joy for one Foundation
- LNFOD Lesotho National Federation of Organisations of the Disabled
- LAC Letsopa Advice Centre
- LC Life Centre
- LA Little Angels
- LTG LiveToGive
- LLRDVCCDC Loago La Rona Domestic Violence Care and Community Development Center
- LAV Lukoki Africa Vision
- LAADR L'Association d'Aide au Développement Rural
- LALMEE L'Association Libanaise pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie et de l'Environnement
- LASE Labor Assocation for Studies and Employment
- LATETIHA LATET - Israeli Humanitarian Aid
- LAA Leadership Advancement Association
- LM&HA Leadership for international Medical &Humanitarian Aids
- LLWR League of Lebanese Women Rights
- LAD Lebanese Association for Development